Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Up All Night

Summertime in Seattle is fantastic... I even love the rain. So why did the thunderstorm keep me up last night?

Oh, gee, maybe because I've got $1,500 worth in cabinet and trim wood out in the yard!! We made sure they were well covered, but I was still practically hyperventilating about it, and Kevin finally agreed to help me haul in all the cabinet plywood at nearly 10pm... We adjusted the plastic above the trim, cause it was simply far too much to try and move in the now pouring rain... And I tossed and turned worrying what damage I'd find in the morning.

Well, this morning I rushed to check my beloved trim (my poor babies, out in the rain), and they really did do fairly well... They did get a little wet, but no pieces were completely destroyed. As the morning dried out, and it officially stopped raining just before lunch, we then brought in all the pieces that had gotten wet and started towel drying, and set up some fans.

I'm still wishing we had room for it all inside (just so worried about it getting ruined!) but we created a much better "tent" for the rest of the trim, and will see how it goes...

Here's a couple shots of some of the pieces that got wet... 3 baseboard pieces, some window "skirting", and some side trim...

And the new trim housing.

Never really had much of a problem with the rain in Seattle... But if it could hold off for a few more weeks... that would really help!! :)

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